On the of July the Prussians completely defeated the, ,, strians at Koniggrtz, and on the 5th Austria Led Venetia to Napoleon, accepting his, mediation gratz. This obvious condition of scientific inquiry is very far from being completely realized even at the present time. A, Simple introvert completely introverted. He picked up what looked like a medical file and became as still as the death dealer, as if forgetting her presence completely. In the eyes of posterity he became more and more completely the model of an Israelitish king and the natural consequence was that he was idealized. It was completely covered with vines, climbing roses and honeysuckles. The latter façade was completely reconstructed upon 2200 piles driven to great depths, with the result that the general harmony of the monument - the effect of time and of atmospheric conditions - was completely lost. Yet no part of him regretted the idea of chopping them out of the picture completely. 2. As a general rule, no man can be completely dissevered from his national antecedents and 1 See Diihring, Kritische Ges. Sentence Rewriter is the best tool available online that will enhance your writing ability for free and make you able to earn more in the online field. Remember that, the next time you make love to her. And so the conception of the action of a man subject solely to the law of inevitability without any element of freedom is just as impossible as the conception of a man's completely free action. It is a striking example of the difficulty of getting people to use their own powers of investigation accurately, that this form of the doctrine of evolution should have held its ground so long; for it was thoroughly and completely exploded, not long after its enunciation, by Caspar Frederick Wolff, who in his Theoria generationis, published in 1759, placed the opposite theory of epigenesis upon the secure foundation of fact, from which it has never been displaced. He was completely absorbed in his work. As it is the best way to earn money, therefore there is a lot of competition in this due to which a writer always has to come up with something unique and knowledgeable. completely (adv): in every way or as much as possibleUse 'completely' in a sentence I trust him completely. The girl wasn't alone; she was with a woman, one that was completely invisible to his senses. These sinuses are completely shut off from all other cavities, they do not open into the main coelomic space nor into the small arm-sinus, nor does the right sinus communicate with the left. a mile or less, and the money obtained from third-class travellers forms by far the most important item in the revenue from passenger traffic. She had been so involved with plans for the ranch that she had completely lost track of time. The operation was, however, completely revolutionized in the United States by the introduction of the " cracking process," and by the division of the distillation into two parts, one consisting in the removal of the more volatile constituents of the oil, and the other in the distillation (which is usually conducted in separate stills) of the residues from the first distillation, for the production of lubricating oils and paraffin. So strong was the natural position of Paraguay, however, and so complete the subjection of its inhabitants to the will of the dictator, that it was not until the year 1870, after the republic had been completely drained of its manhood and resources, that the long war was terminated by the capture and death of Lopez with his last handful of men by the pursuing Brazilians. The fire had died down, and someone had turned off the light to her bathroom, rendering the room completely dark. In the spring of 1568 Louis invaded Friesland, and at Heiligerlee, on the 23rd of May, completely defeated a Spanish force under Count Aremberg, who was killed. In the case of nonelectrolytes and of all non-ionized molecules this analogy completely represents the facts, and the phenomena of diffusion can be deduced from it alone. When it'd finished, she felt little pain, and the heat was completely gone. Example Sentences for "completely" The union has rejected the offer of a 2% salary increase as completely inadequate. It's a nice house, a keen house, complete with a front porch and swing. blay_paul 1 2208453 Tom is completely alone. The theoretical value for the depression of the freezing point of a dilute solution per gramme-equivalent of solute per litre is 1857° C. Completely ionized solutions of salts with two ions should give double this number or 3.714°, while electrolytes with three ions should have a value of 5.57°. The arterial system is very completely developed in both Limulus and Scorpio, branching repeatedly until minute arterioles are formed, not to be distinguished from true capillaries; FIG. for indications), but none that is completely satisfactory. Betty still looked completely bewildered. He was almost grateful he'd never trusted either Deidre completely. of this solution is completely reduced by o 05 grammes of hexose. Inside, the house smelled of fresh paint and it looked completely different. Under Biren (1763-69) and his son and successor (1769-95), as nominees of Catherine, Courland was completely under Russian influence until 1795, when it was formally incorporated with the empire. Was he ignoring her, or was his mind completely occupied with grief at the moment? In addition to these modifications, which are common to nearly all orchids, there are others generally but not so universally met with; among them is the displacement of the flower arising from the twisting of the inferior ovary, in consequence of which the flower is so completely turned round that the "lip," which originates in that part of the flower, conventionally called the posterior or superior part, or that S c ? Her attention was completely diverted from Yancey. of Aragon, whose wife Constance was a daughter of Manfred, arrived in Sicily, and a Sicilian-Catalan fleet under the Calabrese admiral, Ruggiero di Lauria, completely destroyed that of Charles. The parallel walls fell into decay, during the Hellenistic period, and according to Strabo (ix. Inside, the house smelled of fresh paint and it looked completely different. And the more imbued he became with that principle of love, the more he renounced life and the more completely he destroyed that dreadful barrier which--in the absence of such love-- stands between life and death. The materiel of the Italian navy has been completely transformed, especially in Virtue of the bill of the 31st of March 1875. completely in a sentence Social life is completely missing in city. The evolution of mathematical thought in the invention of the data of analysis has thus been completely traced in outline. She shooed Sunny away from her half-eaten pancakes and paced the living room until light faded completely from the horizon. Recent Examples on the Web Iowa just made one or two plays over us, but totally different team for us. While she didn't shake her distraction completely, she was at least engaged. Complete sentences come in many shapes and sizes. When present they are either arranged in four bundles of from one to ten or even more setae, or are disposed in continuous lines completely encircling each segment of the body. This army, it is true, was so inefficient that it was completely routed by the Swedish king with a most inferior force, but it was improved gradually until it learned to conquer its Swedish opponents. She left the bedroom for a broom and explored the house completely, unable to find the cleaning closet. During the previous war the peshwa had been the protege and ally of the British; and since the war he had fallen more completely than before under British protection - British political officers and British troops being stationed at his capital. Completely in a sentence. 56. 5. Parents must be completely aware about the kind of friends or company their children keep. In 66 he was superseded by Pompey, who completely defeated both Mithradates and Tigranes. And then how much longer until they are completely automatic? It was the first time she had used his first name, and it came completely unbidden. The problem could obviously be completely solved only when the composition of the air, and the parts played by its components, had been determined. Neither system completely differentiates long and short vowels; the Nestorian scheme is the more satisfactory, though more cumbrous. In the end, we all felt like we ate too much. Testing his magic, he realized he could call forth a portal. In many Leptomedusae the otocysts are very small, inconspicuous and embedded completely in the tissues; hence they may be easily overlooked in badly-preserved material, and perhaps are present in many cases where they :: r simplest condition of the otocyst is a freely projecting club, a so-called (figs. The words are as follows: - " This letter I sent through Clement the blessed presbyter, a man virtuous and tried, whom ye know and will come to know completely, who being here by the providence and guidance of the Ruler of all strengthened and increased the church of the Lord.". Her estimate of the cost was completely wrong. I., II., III., vomitories) the imaginal disks are to all the three thoracic segments appearance completely separated from of the larva; I, 2, 3, buds the hypodermis, with which they are, of the legs of the imago; la, however, really organically connected bud of head-lobes; f, of by strings or pedicels. As a matter of fact, I think we're on completely different planets. There's a chance the offer for the mine was completely innocent—simply someone who was legitimately interested in The Lucky Pup and then changed his mind. By 900, Pictish appears to have become extinct, There was a big hoo-ha about it in the papers, and then the world, These grafts persist however as homostatic grafts and are, Otto named his relatives the new leaders of the stem duchies, but this approach didn't, Every time the ice sheet reached its greatest extent, the North Sea became almost, Within four years of the Battle of Hastings, England had been, The possibility of redesigning the Union Flag to include representation of Wales has not been, I was already sliding and too dedicated to change my line and just went flat out, On my first day on the watch after leaving the shoplifting squad I paraded on earlies but had, The dozen as a measure for iron ore remained almost, Ocean planets are a hypothetical type of planet with a surface, Of the seven most globally recognized continents, only Antarctica and Australia are, Its former path across the cricket pitch, up Pinewood Avenue and down past the substation has been, At other proportions, the material will enter a mushy or pasty phase until it warms up to being, In the tradition of other low-level languages, many CIL opcodes tend to be cryptic and, The plant has since been shut down, with its buildings demolished and, For the second match in a row, Arsenal went into the break, Some ducks, such as the garganey Anas querquedula, move, The TDU is also flushed with seawater to ensure it is, Ice jams can cause some hydropower industrial facilities to, After the early 20th century, triple harps were almost, One characteristic of American cooking is the fusion of multiple ethnic or regional approaches into, Some groups of poets and genres of poetry stood, Harlech appears not to have been repaired following the 1468 siege, and became, Although the last surviving native speaker of the language, Ned Maddrell, died in 1974, the language has never fallen, At various times life has flourished, at others the area is likely to have been, A vegetarian hot dog is a hot dog produced, Sweden was also the first country worldwide to recover, With future profits looking poor, capital investment and construction slowed or, On the Columbia River the Chief Joseph Dam completed in 1955, On parts of the North American west coast sport salmon fishing. 91. The expedition was not permitted to ascend the river Paraguay, and returned completely foiled in its main purpose. Suspecting he'd just driven Sofi's healer completely catatonic, he peeled her soaked sweater and jeans off to display matching pink underwear. In principle it was even held to be the debtor for the amount; hence the inhabitants were jointly responsible, a state of affairs which was not suppressed till the time of Turgot, and even then not completely. Had it not been for the fact that the tree was almost completely severed from its trunk and had so much pressure on it from the opposite side, it would probably have been an impossible feat. The city was completely destroyed and partly submerged by the great earthquake of the 28th of October 1746, in which about 6000 persons perished. Nowadays, it is very important to write without making embarrassing grammar mistakes, English syntax errors or punctuation errors. At the same time he heard that Pahlen's Cossacks had been withdrawn forty-eight hours previously, thus completely exposing his flank. Rosenberg (1909) adduces evidence fox the existence of chromosomes or prochromosomes in resting nuclei in a large number of plants, but most observers consider that the chromosomes during the resting stage become completely resolved into a nuclear network in which no trace of the original chromosomes can be seen. What would it be like to be around someone completely outside his control? Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. CK 1 2545960 I'm not completely sure. A military and republican rising took place here in August 1883, but completely failed. Then, it is true, two lateral points of ossification appear at the margin, but subsequently the remaining three are developed, and when once formed they grow with much greater rapidity than in the fowl, so that by the time the young duck is quite independent of its parents, and can shift for itself, the whole sternum is completely bony. Wolfert was completely done over. Animals, 1877), they really belong to the labial segment which has not become completely fused with the headcapsule. Snow completely covered the town. ), which contains the third part of the Chronicle of pseudo-Dionysius. As is well known, in finite dimensions each Lie group is, at least locally near the identity, It has many roundabouts, few traffic lights, a network of, The basic frame could be adapted with modules to allow a baby to lie flat or a bubble windscreen to, The Cromford and High Peak Railway is now, Akin to the Speaker, they do not take part in partisan politics, and remain, A major renovation project undertaken by Christopher Wren in the late 17th century, Hospital services could be cut in nearly two thirds of England and some hospitals will be, In every line of it, national interests are, It is that Germany seeks to establish a domination of the world. As Sweden was known to be exhausted by the long wars of Gustavus Adolphus and his successors, and weakened by internal dissensions, the dismemberment seemed an easy matter, and Peter embarked on the scheme with a light heart; but his illusions were quickly dispelled by the eccentric young Swedish king, Charles XII., who arrived suddenly in Esthonia and completely routed the Russian army before Narva. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. If a sentence doesn’t have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence “Went to bed,” we don’t know who went to bed). When the fluids inside a particle were mixed together, the particle was neutral; when they were more or less completely separated, the particle became magnetized to an intensity depending upon the magnetic force applied; the whole body therefore consisted of a number of little spheres having north and south poles, each of which exerted an elementary action at a distance. For the siege of Burgos heavy guns were available in store on the coast; but he neither had, nor could procure, the transport to bring them up. 164. He is completely at home in physics. Completely different genealogical make-up. 4, f), which form a series extending completely round the inner face of the depending mantle FIG. Maybe she couldn't make the ugly beast go away completely, but she had learned to control it. They'd be completely cut off from either deity in the underworld. 488. At length in the afternoon they suddenly fell upon Dupont's isolated division at Albeck, which was completely surprised and severely handled. 2. All Rights Reserved. Jessi froze, not completely connecting with the fact she stood in a place unlike the coastal southern California area. She leaned back and held her nose as she completely immersed herself. He never realized he hated that, before she did it, maybe because no one else ever had the ability to shut him out so completely. To study the laws of history we must completely change the subject of our observation, must leave aside kings, ministers, and generals, and study the common, infinitesimally small elements by which the masses are moved. The public libraries have been enormously increased since 1870 by the incorporation of the treasures of suppressed monastic institutions. The stele of Equisetum is of a very peculiar type whose relations are not completely clear. Aug 4, ... ere’s where we get technical. Biting mandibles; second maxillae incompletely or completely fused; often forming a suctorial proboscis. He now meditated a further enterprise against Geneva; but his attempt to capture the city by treachery and with the help of Spain (the famous escalade) in 1602 failed completely. 116. All the surviving forms, however, have a completely established double system with the specific characters alluded to, and since there is every reason to believe that the conditions of evolution of the primitive Pteridophyte must have been essentially similar to those of the Bryophytes, the various stages in the evolution of the conducting system of the latter (p. 732) are very useful to compare with the arrangements met with in the former. A few more minutes - let him get completely relaxed. Was she a complete fool? No, a different world completely, but similar in that it has a sun, moon, oceans, grass, and stuff. He looks like a completely different person to what he was before. He rubbed his arms, unable to completely suppress a shudder. Thus the confederation of Bar, and the Turkish War thereupon ensuing, took him completely by surprise and considerably weakened his position. According to the census of 1920, of 609,475 buildings in the rural districts 84,163 had been completely destroyed and 117,015 partly. This opisthodomus was completely fenced in with bronze gratings; and the excavators believe it to have been adapted for use as an adytum (shrine). The visceral hump forms a low conical dome above the subcircular foot, and standing out all round the base of this dome so as completely to overlap the head and foot, is the circular mantle-skirt. The apparently structureless substance is saturated with it; and if once a cell is completely dried, even at a low temperature, in the enormous majority of cases its life iS gone and the restoration of water fails to enable it to recover. Napoleon, therefore, had Prussia completely at his mercy; and his conditions to that power bore witness to the fact. In the first, which are called ectotropic, the fungal filaments form a thick felt or sheath round the root, either completely enclosing it or leaving the apex free. A simple spelling mistake or missing letter can change the meaning of a sentence completely and often leave us gagging at the result. Haydn finds the pianoforte so completely capable of expressing his meaning that he is at a loss to find independent material for any accompanying instruments; and the violoncello in his trios has, except perhaps in four passages in the whole collection of thirty-three works, not a note to play that is not already in the bass of the pianoforte; while the melodies of the violin are, more often than not, doubled in the treble. The text has been edited most completely by Bonnet, Acta Apostol. There were two things capable of keeping Xander from falling completely to his nature. However, "completely" is not the accurate description because "completely" describes a state that can be quantified (and "completely" might describe "totally" or "100%"), whereas "absolutely" is a black-or-white term that is a state of totality or not at all. These trees were alive and apparently flourishing at midsummer, and many of them had grown a foot, though completely girdled; but after another winter such were without exception dead. He struggled against the darkness, trying to rally his fury to keep from falling completely unconscious after her blow. Another word for completely. For the first time in her life, she wanted not to feel completely alone. Dammit, she completely ignored me. Pupa free in the lowest families, in most cases incompletely or completely obtect. I hope that, when I've built up my savings, I'll be able to travel to Mexico. He sustained an injury which will take a month to heal completely.. 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