... Malamute vs. Husky. It’s not that they don’t understand it’s just that they lack the willingness! In 1925, a Siberian Husky team delivered a lifesaving treatment for diphtheria to Nome, a city in Alaska that was suffering from an outbreak. These tests ensure the parent animals are healthy and will produce offspring that are less likely to suffer from any hereditary defects. Knowing the history of a dog’s breed can give you a great insight into what to expect. If you are a person living close to the arctics, or where the temperatures reach sub-zero, consider yourself lucky because you can own these dogs . If you are not a fan of dog hair, then please don’t get a Malamute. And as a nomadic tribe, the Husky provided an essential means of transport. “They also evolved to have floppy ears and curly or short tails, while the wolf has pointed ears with a long, sickle-type tail,” she says. They both have an enormous amount of hair! Where Do Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies Come From? The world of pet nutrition is exceedingly confusing; you could scour the internet for hours, and you’ll often end up having more questions than you started with. Malamutes impressed early explorers with their strength, endurance and size. They are the type of dog that may realize they don’t have to listen to you when they’re not on a leash, for instance. Spitzes are characterized by fur that’s long and thick, pointed m… Our dogs are our family members, and we want them to live happy, healthy lives. While the Huskies early development is unclear, it is one of the oldest recognised breeds. Wolf and husky. The biggest difference between a Husky and a Malamute is size. Malamute vs Husky: Height, Weight, Lifespan, and Appearance. We talk Malamute vs. Husky. Males are between 45 and 60 lbs and are about 21 to 23.5 in tall. Use the tool below to compare temperament, size, personality, maintenance requirements, and everything else between Alaskan Malamutes and Timber Wolves. Both breeds have big personalities and will keep you on your toes. This is a disorder in which blood does not clot properly because the protein needed, called von Willebrand factor, is either defective or low in number. Both breeds can live indoors or outdoors and are happy with either as long as the climate isn’t too hot; in fact, they prefer colder weather. Although most online sources will tell you they are moderate shedders, ask anyone that owns one how much hair they produce in a week! Wolves naturally shy away from humans, so they will either run away, or they may act out of fear and attack them Being unable to see in bright light; day blindness is usually accompanied by general sensitivity to light. Most online sources will tell you they are moderate shedders. Though both Siberians and Malamutes were used as sled dogs to pull sleds across long distances, the main difference is that the Siberian Husky is typically used for light loads and thus much faster. Find similarities and differences between German Shepherd vs Siberian Husky vs Alaskan Malamute. Alaskan Malamute vs Siberian Husky: All you need to know You’re sure that you want a northern breed, one that looks like a wolf, big, scary and beautiful. Like the Malamute, they often have masks and caps in different shades. While the average adult male Siberian Husky weighs only 45-60 pounds. Huskies are better-suited to apartment living than the Malamute, but a house with a fenced-in yard is preferable for both. Huskies are reported to be friendly with other dogs, whereas the Malamute may sometimes exhibit dominant behavior toward those of the same sex. Either way, both are beautiful, friendly breeds that can be a great addition to any family that is prepared to meet their needs. At the same time, it is important to note that the Siberian Husky has a considerable prey drive; not only does this make them the wrong choice for households with small pets like cats, hamsters, and rabbits but it also means the Siberian Husky should never be left to run freely, especially in urban environments where there is danger of being hit by a car. Huskies are exceptional escape artists, proficient diggers and accomplished climbers. Although Seppala’s original kennel was in Nenana, Alaska he later moved to New England. White is always visible on the under-body, feet and mask markings. Positive reinforcement motivates dogs by rewarding good behavior with food or play. If your dog has a naughty streak, it may benefit from a game of fetch or a jog around the block. Although the two breeds have a lot in common, there are a number of differences that set them apart. The Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky are so similar in appearance that many people cannot tell them apart, especially if they’ve never owned either of these breeds. It develops within two years of a dog’s life, and often gets worse as the dog ages. At this time, they were used to haul large loads over long distances, to distract bears for hunters, and to discover the breathing holes used by seals. The Malamute’s strength and endurance were highly prized. Add Comment. When it comes to nutrition, the advice for the Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute is the same. Although considered to be a healthy breed, Huskies are prone to several health issues. They have little to no doggy odor and will only need baths a few times per year. Allowing the dog to dig in an acceptable area will keep the rest of your yard prim. During the 1896 gold rush, a great many dogs were imported into Alaska to work. If you are still undecided between the two, then do try to meet the breeds before you make a decision. The Siberian Husky was originally developed as working dogs by the Chukchi people of, you guessed it, Siberia. Choose brands you feel you can trust. While they have unusually close (almost identical) mitochondrial D.N.A. The Alaskan Husky was bred solely for work purposes and due to this, did not play a big “family pet” role. When looking at photos, it can be difficult to tell these two breeds apart as size isn’t always apparent in pictures. Malamutes have a higher likelihood of exhibiting dominant behaviors than Huskies do, so socialization is especially important for this breed. However, working dogs may need higher levels of protein, and its diet should be considered carefully. Unlike some other breeds, Huskies do not shed year-round; instead, they renew their coats twice per year and require extra brushing during this time. But, the eye color of Siberian husky differs. (9) Socialization is an incredibly important part of your puppy’s training. If you call to learn more information, they should be able to answer any questions you present with ease. What’s more, a secure garden is a must as Malamutes like to dig and are excellent escape artists. The amount of exercise a dog needs will vary by individual, but your dog will let you know if it is not getting enough exercise by displaying certain behaviors. Taking its name from the Mahlemuts, an Inuit tribe who settled in the North Western part of Alaska. The short answer is no. However, it can be hard to tell if your dog needs more food, especially if it isn’t underweight or losing weight. Compare German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky. These dogs were bred to pull sleds across frozen tundras, so they have a lot of energy. Although bred to be a pack dog, they can be selective with other dogs. If you live in an apartment, only adopt a Siberian Husky if you are certain you can provide ample exercise and activity to make up for the small living space. Both Huskies and Malamutes have erect ears, which means they are less prone to getting ear infections. Wolf vs Husky. Both the Husky and the Malamute are descendants of working dogs. Malamutes come in a variety of colours. Walden and later Milton and Eva Seeley focussed on dogs from the Norton Sound area of Alaska. But can be destructive if left alone or bored. Huskies come in a range of colours including grey, brown, tan, white and various shades between. Mahlemiut became Malamute). If you don’t meet your Malamute’s exercise needs, you may be left with an unruly, even destructive dog. Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are not cheap, but when you purchase from a responsible breeder you will have peace of mind that your puppy will grow up healthy. Dogs may also scratch at their ears or shake their heads a lot when they have ear infections. The Siberian Husky should only be allowed to run in enclosed spaces or while attached to a lead. The undercoat is soft and dense while the outer, guard coat is long and straight. Compare German Shepherd and Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute. These guys were primarily bred as working dogs, make very efficient sled dogs and are in high demand for the sport as a result. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Of the two, the Malamute can be especially stubborn and independent; they need proper leadership or they will become the leaders instead. The American Kennel Club recognised the Alaskan Malamute in 1935. As such, they need a fair amount of exercise to keep them happy. a 'tough dog' and if they can brag it has wolf and justify it with have CHOSEN over thousands of years to be a companion and partner with man They are highly valued as they are the source of livelihood for the Mahlemut Eskimos. Find similarities and differences between Samoyed vs Alaskan Malamute vs Alaskan Husky. In a litter of Malamute puppies you can have very distinct personalities - from very very dominant and very wolflike to very very submissive or golden retrieverish and from outgoing, confident, boisterous (doglike) to shy and skittish (wolflike) and everything in-between. Alaskan Malamute vs Husky: How Much Do These Breeds Cost? The two breeds are both working dogs, and the Alaskan Malamute (nicknamed “Mal”) looks quite similar to the Siberian Husky. Talk to any Husky owner and they will tell you the same thing. Many have tried and have watched as their Husky runs for the hills at exceptional speed. Increase both physical and mental exercise as it helps to reduce unwanted behaviour. Siberian Husky's have more cat-like snippier heads. Infrequent barkers, Huskies can none the less be talkative. As you can see, there are a number of differences between Huskies and the Malamute that are worth considering when choosing between the two. The Siberian Husky’s lifespan is 12 to 14 years long. If you have small animals in the house, a Alaskan Malamute may be able to live with them harmoniously, but this usually requires proper socialization during puppyhood. Huskies are at risk for the following health issues according to the SHCA: Though these breeds have the potential to develop serious health issues, there are tests that can be performed before breeding. For those who live in apartments, a good option would be making use of services like dog walkers, dog sitters, or doggy daycares. They can be quite vocal when they are bored or want to play, though. (8) Malamutes and Huskies need exercise or they can become unruly. But did you know that there's another similar-looking husky, according to some dog lovers? What’s the difference between a wolf and a husky? The Malamute has a double coat. While the Siberian Husky typically gets along well with other dogs, the Malamute sometimes has problems with those of the same sex. As with the Malamute you will need to embrace all things fur if you get a Husky. The Malamutes have a long coat and the huskyâ s coat is of medium length. They can benefit from doggy playgroups and dog parks that provide ample space to run. Malamutes always have brown eyes. A harsh, cold environment that needed stamina, independent thinking and hard work. These breeds’ double-layered coats keep them warm and cozy even in the winter, and Huskies are known to dig pockets in the snow to get out of the wind. The AKC describes Siberian Huskies as “racers” and Alaskan Malamutes as “freighters.”. Learn how your comment data is processed. Slightly longer than it is tall, malamutes are strong, sturdy and heavy-boned. Although malamute and Siberian husky looks like a wolf, you can distinguish them with a few noticeable physical characteristics such as eye colors, body shape, tail, etc. This name generally refers to a cross between a Siberian Husky & Alaskan Malamute. If you are a big fan of northern breeds but have never owned one, you need to know what you’re letting yourself in for. The Siberian Husky tends to be easier to train, whereas the Alaskan Malamute may be a bit more stubborn and independent. Primarily because of the isolation of the Mahlemuts and two early adopters of the breed. It was Leonhard Seppala who first introduced Siberian Huskies into the US in the 1920’s. But ask anyone that owns one how much hair they produce in a week, they are anything but modest. They make great hiking partners. Without proper socialization during puppyhood, a dog may become afraid of unfamiliar objects, animals, or people later in life. The incident became so famous that a statue of the lead sled dog, Balto, was erected in Central Park in New York City. Adult male Malamutes stand 23 to 25-inches at the shoulder and weight between 75 to 85 pounds, while Huskies measure 20 to 23-inches tall at the shoulders and weigh 36 to 60 pounds. And this is where he partnered with Elizabeth Ricker establishing the Poland Springs Kennel. Alaskan Malamute Vs Siberian Husky: Children The Alaskan Malamute is the better choice if the dog will share a flat with your children. Both Huskies and Malamutes may need to have the hair between their feet trimmed. Alaskan Malamute vs Alaskan Husky …And lastly – just to throw something else into the mix – let’s take a look at the Alaskan Husky. When dogs don’t get enough exercise, they often find something to keep them occupied, and you may not always like their choices. Today at the dog park was a massive wolf dog. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. The husky is a smaller more nimble dog and has the higher prey drive making it impossible for off lead exercise. In order to compare and contrast these breeds, we went straight to the authorities. If you do have other pets, make sure they are well secured. Where relevant and helpful to the reader, we may link to products. Find similarities and differences between German Shepherd vs Alaskan Malamute vs Siberian Husky. You can also look into purchasing pet insurance. Responsible breeders always have their dogs tested and are happy to share the results. All dogs are a subspecies of wolves, and a dog-wolf hybrid lives up to its name. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their dogs; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. If you do choose a Husky for your companion you can expect to share your life with him or her for around 10 -14 years. Alaskan Malamute vs Siberian Husky. The outer, guard coat is coarse, thick and stands out from the body especially around the neck. The Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute are two Arctic working breeds often confused for one another. (2) Siberian Huskies often have blue eyes, a trait that is not commonly seen in Alaskan Malamutes when comparing the two breeds. Trustworthy brands will have information about their manufacturing and safety practices on their websites. Some of these links are affiliate links where we may earn commissions on purchases. Their coats are so thick and fluffy that they should be brushed daily to prevent matting. In the same year, the American Kennel Club recognised the Husky as a distinct breed. The breed histories of both the Malamute and the Husky are in the Arctic. If you love the outdoors, are into exercise, and like a dog that has a mind of its own then you are in the right place. Alaskan Malamute vs. Grey wolf. If you are looking for an obedience champion or a dog that walks to heel then move on, the Husky isn’t for you. Known for their stamina and speed, they were used extensively during the Gold Rush. Like the wolf, the Malamute shares a strong bond with his pack. Since these rescues’ main goal is to find good homes for their dogs, you’ll be able to adopt a Siberian Husky or Alaskan Malamute for a much more affordable price. Malamute vs Husky: 7 Differences You Need To Know – Alaskan Malamute vs Siberian Husky Comparison. Daily walks are a great way to exercise your dog and yourself, but you would be doing this breed a disservice if you never allow a good run. This is especially true through their teenage years. Whereas the first dogs introduced in the UK was in 1959. You’re sure that you want a northern breed, one that looks like a wolf, big, scary and beautiful. The adult husky dog weighs around 60 They played many roles within the camps. Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies aren’t always the easiest dogs to train because they can be too smart for their own good. (6) It’s hard to know for sure which dog food is best. Malamute. Sometimes referred to as a “wolfdog,” a hybrid is a canine cross of domestic dog and any species of wolf. If you’re a very active person who loves outdoor activities like hiking, bring your Husky or Mal along; their energy and endurance makes them fantastic hiking partners. These problems can often be managed with medication, but dogs who are suffering may need more expensive treatments like surgery. The undercoat is around 2.5 to 5cm thick and is dense, oily and woolly which provides insulation from water and cold temperatures. Alaskan Malamutes are believed to be descended from wolf-dogs that lived 4,000 years ago and crossed the Bering Strait to North America with Paleolithic peoples. Dark brown to gold eyes (never blue) Soft, affectionate and friendly expression. There is no competition when it comes to size between these two breeds, the Malamute wins paws down. The Alaskan Malamute vs. Siberian Husky – A Comparison of Two Arctic Dogs. Eyes color is usually brown but can sometimes be blue. Or, it may pester you by relentlessly following you around with a favorite toy. (4) Malamutes are better-suited to homes than apartments. Because these dogs are high energy, training sessions may be more successful after they’ve had exercise. If you are looking for a dog that looks just like a wolf, you are no exception to having a debate with yourself about the Alaskan Malamute vs Siberian Husky. You have visions of walking down the street, the magnificent dog by your side. See more ideas about malamute, husky, malamute vs husky. What a gentle giant! The Siberian husky is a medium-sized dog ranging from 51 to 60cm and weighing between 35 to 60lbs. Can Dogs Eat Nuts? Meanwhile, Voelker’s line of Malamute grew to be known as the “M’Loot” strain. Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies are affectionate, friendly, social dogs. Safe vs Harmful Nuts for Fido, The Kangal Shepherd – Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide, Rattador (Rottweiler Lab Mix) Dog Breed Information – 15 Things to Know, Albino Dog Guide – 15 Things to Know About Albino Dogs. A relay of twenty-two dog sledge teams fought their way to bring the diphtheria serum back to Nome and stop the epidemic. For homeowners, a fenced-in yard is a must for this breed. As the Malamute is a large breed and the Husky is a medium sized breed, this is a significant factor to take into considera… Though better-suited to apartment living than the Alaskan Malamute, the Siberian Husky is an athletic dog that loves nothing more than running. Both Huskies and Malamutes are known to become vocal when they want to play or want attention. Just make sure to clean their paws off before letting them in the house. they are still two different breeds of animals. Female Huskies tend to be smaller, weighing between 35 and 50 lbs and standing at around 20 to 22 in tall. Friendly dogs, great with kids, who love being with their families. No matter what breed you’re interested in, it’s always best to purchase from a breeder who health tests their dogs. A wolf has larger canine teeth that can reach lengths of up to a couple of inches long. The mother is a pure bred German shepherd sitting at 85 pounds. Saved by Jennifer Opalewski. A Husky that lacks physical and mental exercise is likely to become destructive. Native breeds interbred with these dogs eliminating a lot of the ‘pure’ Alaskan breeds.

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