Belief in the occult and astrology had left a deep emptiness in my heart and I was searching for a purpose for living. What Paul does in 1 Corinthians 2:1–5 is illustrate from his ownexperience what he means by the present power of the cross. 1 Corinthians 1:18–24 NIV - Anglicised For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. The power of the cross is the Church-wide mission through preaching (v.18). THE CROSS is the turning point – now new creation is possible. Wisdom in the cross. SERMON POINTS: 1. 2. Grayson Baptist Church - May, 27, 2012 *One of the most famous pictures of World War II is of five brave Marines raising the American flag on the island of Iwo Jima. The power of sin follows every human like a stalking shadow. Video 27:32 Is There Life After Death? God is finally satisfied not just pacified. THE CROSS is the exit point of all of Satan, sin, sickness and Hades. Sermon series The Deeper Meaning of the Cross 5 Miracles of Calvary Matthew 27:45-54 – April 19, 2019. The Power of the Cross. III. 6 April, 2013 (Sundays at 10am) Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18–2:5 | Tim Walker. The Weakness and Depravity of Humanity The Weakness of Christ the Man The Compassion of God I Have Found a Ransom The Power of God The Cross of Jesus from Heaven to Earth The Sufferings of Christ from the Wilderness to Calvary The Cross of the Believer Climbing Jacob's Ladder The Power of the Cross The Power of the Cross. Dr. Graham also gives a sermon on the unfathomable power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Topic: The Cross. I would also like to add one of my favorite scriptures, found in 1 John 3:8 which says, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work”. So first, let’s talk about the power of the cross to free you from sin. Welcome to my Sermon/Devotional blog The Preaching Platform. The Power of the Cross Curt Dodd 1 Corinthians 1:17-18 You know, the cross has been used as a fashion symbol. Series: Standalone Sermon. a) Paul tells us that at the cross, Jesus disarmed all of satan’s forces and made a public spectacle of them. 1 Corinthians The Power of the Cross 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 January 19, 2003 Intro: A. Lee Eclov recently retired after 40 years of local pastoral ministry and now focuses on ministry among pastors. Illustration: At the age of 16, I was a demoralized and frustrated teenager, plagued by constant sickness and physical weakness. Billy Graham (March-31-2020) Classic Sermon: The Power of the Cross. © 2014 - 2021 Sermons Online. The common thread is the theme of the war between good and evil. Download Study. We see ourselves as very ordinary people, caught up in the things of this life. Sermon by Phil Waugh Sermon Date: 6 Dec 2020. The Transforming Power Of The Cross. … My life has never been the same and the greatest joy I have today is in serving Him. I. Matthew 16:18-18 Topic: The Cross Jesus' words about building His church on the rock so the gates of death cannot prevail against it correspond to His words in Matt 7 about a wise man who hears his words and does them, who builds his house on the rock. The NIV Study Bible describes it in this manner – ‘The picture is of conquered soldiers stripped of their clothes as well as their weapons to symbolize their total defeat’ (Page 1815). These miracles teach us the utterly unique nature of our Lord’s sacrifice. - Benny Hinn Live Stream (January-18-2021), Wisdom for Everyday Living - Part 2 - Joyce Meyer (January-18-2021). In other words, the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are being loss while it remains God’s power to bring salvation to those who are being saved. What is the message of the cross? The Message Of The Cross Is Foolishness To The Greeks And A Stumbling block To The Jews - It Nullifies The Things That Are. About this Series. More than five thousand Marines gave their lives to capture that eight-square-mile island from the Japanese. Share Tweet. IV. Download Study. THE POWER OF THE CROSS (EPH 2:12-22) A. Let metry to lay out for you the building blocks of these five verses andthen look at a few of them more closely.Paul describes the way he came to Corinth with two negativestatements about how he DID NOT come, and two positive statementsabout how he DID come. He therefore sets us free from all condemnation and guilt. Sermon by Phil Waugh Sermon Date: 29 Nov 2020. Devotional: Responding to God (Palm Sunday), Devotional : Immanuel – “God with us” in His Greatness (Mt: 1:23), God's Restoration of the Lost Years : Sermon, Sermon : Four Steps to Win the Battle Over Worry (Matthew 6:25-34), Devotional : Trusting God in Extreme Situations (From Psalm 11), Sermon: God's Favor on the New Year (Psalm 65:11), 2 Chronicles 20: Victory Against Overwhelming Odds, Devotional : God knows you by Name (Isaiah 43:1), Sermon: Becoming Fruitful Through Affliction, God’s Restoration of the Lost Years : Sermon, Devotional: A Heart of Thankfulness (Thanks Giving). The cross is the battering ram that broke down the wall of partition and bridged the gap between God and fallen man. My name is Palitha Jayasooriya and I am a Pastor from Sri Lanka. THE CROSS IS CENTRAL TO THE CHRISTIAN Remember Christ and the cross • Paul wrote to the Galatians in large letters that He boasted only in the cross of Christ (Galatians 6:14) • Paul recalled the historical reality of the cross Make the cross central in your life • To Paul, the cross … – Boston 6/1/82. “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18). As we draw close to Good Friday, it’s good to remind ourselves of the power of the cross and what the Lord accomplished through His mighty sacrifice. The name of God and the name of Jesus have been used to validate wrong things, and often has been misunderstood by an entire population. All Rights Reserved. Notice what they are:) A. The phrase ‘triumphing over them’ showcases “a Roman General leading his captives through the streets of his city for all the citizens to see, as evidence of his complete victory” (NIV Study Bible). The Preaching of the Cross reminds us of the seriousness of sin 3. - Jesus died for your sins - You are free because of it - You are ransomed and redeemed - You are triumphant over sin (because the power of sin has been broken) SIN BUILT THE CROSS, BUT HIS LOVE PUT HIM ON THE CROSS What is the power of God? 2. THE POWER OF THE CROSS (Ill. B. it even divided the two thieves that were with Jesus on God heal. What does the cross mean to you? Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I’m found, Was blind, but now I see. Closing: As we approach Good Friday, let’s remember what we have inherited through the power of the cross. • Further, we are enabled by the power of the cross of Jesus to live for righteousness. THE CROSS-OF CHRIST SHOULD COMPELL AND MOTIVATE US TO LIVE OUR LIVES FOR JESUS. A holy life becomes an attainable goal. Sermon … Jesus' death occurred when the veil of the temple ripped open. THE CROSS is the point of meeting – God and man, judgment meets righteousness, God’s redemption meets Satan’s claims. We call it human trafficking today. 1:24 , Paul says that those who have grasped the true message of the cross understand that it is not weak or foolish. Although the cross was a symbol of execution at that time (much like an electric chair today), God’s saving power in full was revealed at the cross. I don't even remember the sermon, which is all right -- we're not supposed to remember sermons anymore than we should remember meals; we're … His flesh was crucified and died. C. The cross is the power that destroys the work of sin, because our sins were nailed there It's been used in the past as kind of a banner upon which people go into war with. His death CAUSED the veil to rip. Unity in the Cross. The Preaching of the Cross reflects the love of God on display 4. Home; Videos; The Power of the Cross; Billy Graham speaks at Yale University and Harvard University. The Power Of The Cross. Billy Graham explains why it’s more than a religious symbol in this 1982 message from Boston, Massachusetts. From Colossians 2:13-15, I would like to leave 3 thoughts about ‘The Power of the Cross’ in this sermon outline. That’s when I came to the cross one day, and as I accepted the forgiveness of Christ into my life, I found the purpose I was looking for. The power of the cross is our God-given message for preaching (v. 17). That actually brings us to the second axis along which the Gospel travels. This sermon is not part of a Sermon Series and stands alone. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. In 1 Timothy 1:15 the Apostle Paul refers to this truth in speaking about his own transformation . John E. Sumwalt. The second is the power of the cross toward God. We like making money, we like shopping, we like sports, we like hanging out. He died so that you might find true and abundant life; that you too might experience the power of the cross! In addition he tells us the GROUND of thiskind of coming, namely, the cross. If you think, if you conceive of the Gospel as having respect only to us, we are going to miss the central mystery. - Power is not of you, - Power must come from God. Ephesians 2:11-19. It symbolized the greatest rescue mission the world has ever seen!! b) Paul also re-emphasizes that at the cross, Jesus triumphed over all the power of satan. Matthew 27:50-51. Related. Billy Graham (March-31-2020) Classic Sermon: The Power of the Cross. And that greater power is the power of the cross. A cross was lowered by helicopter and placed on the top. The story of the abundant life he received as a result, is best expressed through his hymn, Amazing Grace, which carries these lyrics. It never let’s go and destroys lives through all types of evil. 3-MP3 series (3 sermons - approx. As a result, he encountered the transformation that only comes through Christ and the power of the Cross. 1 hr 2min) Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. Illustration: John Newton was a man who lived a wicked life, being involved in the horrible practice of slave trading. 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. In the midst of a violent storm, when hope was almost over, as the story goes, John Newton opened his heart to God. It was, that he always drew attention in his sermons to the Lord Jesus Christ and to ‘the power of the cross’. Most of us don’t consider ourselves saints. But, for a few, the cross is an object of power and wisdom. It was a bold display of total victory over the power of the enemy! This sermon contrasts the misunderstandings many have of the cross with the true meaning and power of the cross. Good Friday - B. Hebrews 10:16-25. His love should compel us to return that love back to Him. 1. They are: The forgiveness that comes through the sacrifice of Jesus is available to the worst of sinners. Freed from sin (11-13a) – by receiving new life in Christ. In the song ‘Baker Street’, Gerry Rafferty sang about a man who is ‘Light in his head and dead on his feet’. total duration: 3hr 2min) 1: Out of Cursing Into Blessing - Because Of The Cross (Approx. They are. Boasting in the Cross. • By the wounds inflicted upon Jesus in his scourging and at the cross, we … Introduction: It is said that Billy Graham once attributed the large number of responses to his sermons on one central theme. Jesus on the cross part 4 Power - Sermon Videos The Lord of the Rings; The Chronicles of Narnia; The Matrix; Star Wars - there is a common thread running though all these stories. 1 Corinthians 1:1-17. They are: 1) Through the power of the cross anyone can receive forgiveness (verse 13b) The forgiveness that comes through the sacrifice of Jesus is available to the worst of sinners. This life comes through His Spirit indwelling us and it is eternal in nature. Hebrews 10:20 associates the veil of the temple with Jesus' Flesh. That’s what our passage in Colossians is all about this morning: the power of the cross to free you from sin, from the law and from Satan. It is instead, the power of God and the wisdom of God. Home / Sermons / The Power of the Cross. Billy Graham explains why it’s more than a religious symbol in this 1982 message from Boston, Massachusetts. Unlike the burning bush, which is an image of the Mother of God, or of Jacob’s ladder, which is an image of the Mother of God and also of Christ, these images do not have a power related to them. From Colossians 2:13-15, I would like to leave 3 thoughts about ‘The Power of the Cross’ in this sermon outline. 4. • Jesus on the cross, bearing our sins, gives us power to die to sins. A huge 25 foot wooden cross stands above the fields of the buried horror of Belsen concentration camp. Sermon. I’ve been doing so for most of my life, with no regrets! 1 hr 3min) 3: Uncovering Your True Identity In Christ - A Visual Study Of The Tabernacle's Golden Boards (Approx. Stories. Every time the Cross is signified in the Old Testament, it always has power because every image of the cross is spiritually connected to the actual Cross and is a vehicle of the grace of God. The very message of the cross sounded strange with the Jews from the beginning. To ignore the power of the cross is an eternally fatal mistake of preaching (v. 18). The Power Of The Cross Against The Veil. In Colossians 2:15, Paul illustrates the triumph of Jesus on Good Friday in the following ways. When the power of the cross is appropriated, three great and wonderful things take place. 57min) 2: The Cross - Your Redemption From Shame And Reproach (Approx. The Power of the Cross. Billy Graham’s Friendship with Martin Luther King Jr. (January-18-2021), Billy Graham’s 1955 All Scotland Crusade (January-17-2021), The Second Coming of Christ - Billy Graham (January-13-2021), Life After Death - Billy Graham (January-12-2021), Billy Graham - My Hope UK - Second Chance (Januaru-10-2021), The Spirits That Stop You From Praying - Christian Motivation, A Special Message from Pastor Benny at Jesus 20! What does the cross mean to you? 56:00 • February 15, 2014 . The Power of the Cross - Billy Graham - Classic Sermon (March-31-2020). There is power in the blood of Jesus to set you free!) Therefore, if the powers of darkness are coming against you right now, stand firm on the finished work of our Lord at the cross!! And it was nearing completion. It is also described and experienced as ‘abundant life’! Maybe, it describes your life. Sin Dies - When a person places his/her faith in the shed blood of … We are not on this earth to do as we please. Mike Hoggard The Power of the Cross The cross has a compelling power. The Preaching of the Cross rules out all other possibilities May this Good Friday sermon help encourage you about the event of Christ's crucifixion for our sins. Christians are bound to one another by the power of Christ's redemptive work. 3. Subscribe and Get Sermons and Messages by Billy Graham DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX! We are here to live for Jesus and to do whatever He wants us to do. Power of the Cross Toward God. By John Thiel, The Power of the Cross Conference, Study 1, mp3 We want to meditate upon the power of the cross and appreciate a message of understanding in reference to the power applicable to the person who needs the power; the object upon which the power is to be exercised. Going to the cross and giving his life for all mankind, so you see how the cross draws or divides people notice on the crucifixion day, the cross the power of the cross divided the religious people. Sermon by Rick Crandall. Subscribe and Get Sermons and Messages by Billy Graham DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX! If so, come to the cross today and be ‘made alive’ through Christ. That may well be the story of many walking this earth. The first is the Gospel, the power of the cross toward us. God gives us new life through the power of the cross. However, Colossians 2:14 tells us that Christ has cancelled the penalty of sin that was against us, having nailed it to the cross. The comment form collects your name, email and content to allow us keep track of the comments placed on the website. It compels us to live not for ourselves but for the Lord. As a result, no one is beyond the reach of God’s saving grace. Theme: Living in the power of the cross will bring unity and the revealing of Christ. In 1 Cor. The power of the cross is given for a purpose to benefit the sinner. The Bible refers to the power of Jesus when it says that He is … ... Baptist Church in Brooklyn. The cross is the instrument that brings peace to the human soul and spirit. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. Pause Play % buffered 00:00. The power of the cross is our Christ-controlled means in preaching (v. 17). Sermon is not of you, - power is the battering ram that broke down the of. Us power to die to sins when the power of the Tabernacle 's Golden Boards (.! Sermons and Messages by Billy Graham ( March-31-2020 ) the Apostle Paul refers to this truth in speaking his! Gospel travels if so, come to the worst of sinners – April 19, 2019 common thread the... Of the cross Curt Dodd 1 Corinthians the power of the cross God. We approach Good Friday in the blood of Jesus to set you free! ‘ abundant life that! Peace to the power of the cross find true and abundant life ’ v. 17 ) Jesus to set free. 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