The origins, kinds and processes of meningitis are more clearly distinguished, and referred each to its proper cause - for the most part bacterial. How can I make my writing clearer? The writers of antiquity clearly recognized this fact, speaking of the whole under the general name of Assyria, though Babylonia, as will be seen, would have been a more accurate designation. Public Speaking The 1 Sentence That Will Make You a More Effective Speaker Every Time This one simple trick will make your speeches clear, concise, and compelling every time. The speak clearly list of example sentences with speak clearly. This took its name from the Capitolium of Roman times, the remains of which were found under the Piazza Luna; the three cellae were clearly traceable. She saw glimpses of his shared history with Damian and Dustin and of a time before meeting them that was too dark for her to see clearly. I was sowing wild oats at that age and not thinking clearly. "Always thoughts... about you... thoughts..." he then uttered much more clearly than he had done before, now that he was sure of being understood. It is vain, therefore, to look for clearly defined and systematic presentations of the idea among ancient writers. Selyn hurried across the room to a pad of paper and pen that Wynn had clearly left behind, if his tight writing on the back cover was any indication. But Muller has the merit of clearly outstriding his predecessors, and with his accustomed perspicuity made the way even plainer for his successors to see than he himself was able to see it. Three clearly differentiated schools now (1875) came into existence. Example: The younger children spent the afternoon at … take example sentences. This was clearly perceived and keenly felt by the educated classes, and as soon as the strong hand of the uncompromising autocrat was withdrawn, they clamoured loudly for radical changes in the aims and methods of their rulers. Bentham's love of flowers and music, of green foliage and shaded walks, comes clearly out in this pleasant picture of his home life and social surroundings. These societies are not clearly visible in England or on the continent before the early part of the 12th century. This last-named work shows the influence of French art, an influence which helped greatly to form the practice of Ramsay, and which is even more clearly visible in the large collection of his sketches in the possession of the Royal Scottish Academy and the Board of Trustees, Edinburgh. In the evolution of these laws Dr Cornay had most laudably studied, as his observations prove, a vast number of different types, and the upshot of his whole labours, though not very clearly stated, was such as to wholly subvert the classification at that time generally adopted by French ornithologists. Concise writing presents ideas clearly and does not use more words than are truly necessary. The sites of Lindus, lalysus, and Camirus, which in the most ancient times were the principal towns of the island, are clearly marked, and the first of the three is still occupied by a small town with a medieval castle, both of them dating from the time of the knights, though the castle occupies the site of the ancient acropolis, of the walls of which considerable remains are still visible. It may be that, just as the usages of civilized nations have slowly crystallized into international law, so there may come a time when the political principles that govern states in relation to each other will be so clearly defined and so generally accepted as to acquire something of a legal or quasi-legal character. The mode of the divine working in nature is in another passage more clearly defined. Curious about the difference between a clear, concise sentence and a wordy one? "Sure, hon," she said, clearly disbelieving. In this interval the use of the lens was discovered and clearly described by Daniello Barbaro, a Venetian noble, patriarch of Aquileia, in his work La Pratica della perspettiva (p. 192), published in 1568, or twenty-one years before Porta's mention of it. In all, there is a wonderful amount of specialization, though perhaps in a very straight line from generalized forms; but the affinity to Australian or Polynesian types is in many cases clearly traceable, and it cannot be supposed but that these last are of cognate origin with those of New Zealand. The treatises are nearly all anterior to the 7th century, and most appear to belong to the 3rd and 4th centuries; some are the work of authentic authors like Zosimus and Synesius, while of others, such as profess to be written by Moses, Democritus, Ostanes, &c., the authorship is clearly fictitious. are clearly from the same source; for they make no reference to Enoch, but bring forward Noah (x. Abimelech is called "king of the Philistines," but the title is clearly an anachronism. In a coherent paragraph, each sentence relates clearly to the topic sentence or controlling idea, but there is more to coherence than this. And she did, clearly enough that she felt the pain of her heart aching once more. If, as seems probable, the continued methodical investigation, which is demanded by the advance of modern knowledge, becomes more drastic in its results, it will recognize ever more clearly that there were certain unique influences in the history of Palestine which cannot be explained by purely historical research. circles; but in the prophets the hosts are clearly superhuman powers. ), the essential instrument of all benedictions, the object is clearly to establish its potency against evil spirits. Recent criticism goes to show that there is a very considerable body of biblical material, more important for its attitude to the history than for its historical accuracy, the true meaning of which cannot as yet be clearly perceived. The main idea, or topic, sentence of a paragraph is the sentence that gets to the heart of the subject of that paragraph. Memories of Austerlitz and of Dolokhov flashed rapidly and clearly through his mind. click click ding click click ding. She passed the valet, the snuff fell from the candle wick, and she saw Prince Andrew clearly with his arms outside the quilt, and such as she had always seen him. For De Maillet not only has a definite conception of the plasticity of living things, and of the production of existing species by the modification of their predecessors, but he clearly apprehends the cardinal maxim of modern geological science, that the explanation of the structure of the globe is to be sought in the deductive application to geological phenomena of the principles established inductively by the study of the present course of nature. Incorrect: It has come to my attention that there is a vast proliferation of undesirable vegetation surrounding the periphery of this facility. But the more he tried to hide it the more clearly--clearer than any words could have done--did he betray to himself, to her, and to Princess Mary that he loved her. Revised: This passage exemplifies argumentation using the rule of justice. Here everyone clearly saw and said that the battle was lost. His gaze was clearly focused on her half exposed breasts. A sentence needs to make sense on its own. Leonardo's works are mainly developments of the results obtained by his predecessors; the influences of Greek, Arabian, and Indian mathematicians may be clearly discerned in his methods. Here is an example of a sentence that could benefit from being edited down: Keep this first sentence, and even your second sentence, brief to make it punchy and draw the readers in. Without seeing the form clearly, she did see the purple lightening start to form in the hands of the Original Other. This" communion of the body and blood of Christ,"which in early writings is clearly distinguished from the thankoffering which preceded it, and which furnished the materials for it, gradually came to supersede the thank-offering in importance, and to exercise a reflex influence upon it. In the meantime, killing dealers he used to consider colleagues or allies weighed heavily on his emotions at a time when he needed to think clearly. These words showed Pierre clearly for the first time that the French would enter Moscow. 74-82), which is here imperfect, is clearly from a Greek original, while the Latin and Armenian are from the Syriac. However, I know their presence will inspire me, and I shall speak to them as I always do: clearly, impressively, and majestically. The needles clicked lightly in her slender, rapidly moving hands, and he could clearly see the thoughtful profile of her drooping face. The best ways to catch and eliminate those filler words from … Several of these features stand out very clearly in Norman history. "His comments clearly upset the other council members." Clearly definition, in a clear manner: It is difficult to explain complex matters clearly. Declarative sentences are the basic building blocks of conversation and writing. Make life easy for yourselves. It is important to grasp clearly the distinction between breeds. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. write a sentence that could in itself be a paragraph or a short story. It should, however, be remembered that primitive peoples do not distinguish clearly between material and immaterial beings. use "clearly" in a sentence The newly-elected president is clearly advocating a greater role for government in ensuring a proper education for all its citizens. At that moment he was clearly thinking of nothing but how dashing a fellow he would appear as he passed the commander. The various stages in the development of the city are clearly indicated in its general plan and the surviving names of many of its streets. Felipa glanced at Alex, clearly uncertain if it was safe for her to say anything. Some of the Malagasy avifauna is certainly ancient, aboriginal, and even points to India; other forms indicate clearly their African FIG. Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure. He is clearly in a good mood today. Berg explained so clearly why he wanted to collect at his house a small but select company, and why this would give him pleasure, and why though he grudged spending money on cards or anything harmful, he was prepared to run into some expense for the sake of good society--that Pierre could not refuse, and promised to come. Re-read a current or past assignment and highlight the sentences, words or phrases that could be changed or removed to make your writing more concise. Now it’s your turn! Clearly it is fate that everything led up to this! While the influence of the great prophets Elijah and Elisha is clearly visible, it is instructive to find that the south, too, has its 'share in the inauguration of the new era. Protection and management of the pink mucket is clearly related to managing the habitat and the water quality of the large rivers it depends upon ( ). It was amazing how clearly a person could see things when trouble lurked on the horizon. At the very least, history can clearly show the range of outcomes that are likely. After discussing the structure of the eye he gives an experiment in which the appearance of the reversed images of outside objects on a piece of paper held in front of a small hole in a darkened room, with their forms and colours, is quite clearly described and explained with a diagram, as an illustration of the phenomena of vision. He had equipped himself with a mental telescope and looked into remote space, where petty worldliness hiding itself in misty distance had seemed to him great and infinite merely because it was not clearly seen. Cut down your word count. Hence there is clearly a deep-seated difference between the religious feelings of the two continents. Why, it is as easy to teach the name of an idea, if it is clearly formulated in the child's mind, as to teach the name of an object. I want to make my purpose more clear. Try taking out words that do not add to the meaning of your sentence. von Hauer has investigated a number of cases in which salts exhibiting episomorphism have different colours, thereby clearly demonstrating this property of isomorphism. Building Sentences (Basic) On each worksheet, students cut out word cards and rearrange them to make a sentence. All this is now seen more clearly in the standard edition of the Journal. Though but faintly pictured in the Vedic hymns, he is there invoked with Ormazd, or Ahuramazda, the god of the sky, and is clearly a divinity of light, the protector of truth and the enemy of error and falsehood. Bronze is called by the Japanese kara-kane, a term signifying Chinese metal and showing clearly the source from which knowledge of the alloy was obtained. Make sure you have a clear audience in mind when you write. How to use take in a sentence. Here, both the sentences are correct. - The more characteristic features of the bird's brain show clearly a further development of the reptilian type, not always terminal features in a direct line, but rather side-departures, sometimes even a secondary sinking to a lower level, and in almost every case in a direction away from those fundamentally reptilian lines which have led to the characters typical of, and peculiar to, the mammals. She spoke slowly, articulating each word clearly. He asked Weyrother several times to repeat words he had not clearly heard and the difficult names of villages. In both of these the crater form is very clearly marked. Alex swung a gaze on him that was clearly intended to bring silence to the table – and it did. The vicomte who was meeting him for the first time saw clearly that this young Jacobin was not so terrible as his words suggested. Example sentence #3: Our mastermind group for beginning solo-entrepreneurs will help you fight the solitude related to a solo-business and provide a sounding board to make the right decisions faster, so you can stop dithering and make progress faster. The two principal railway corporations, the Southern and the Seaboard Air Line, contended that the act was clearly contrary to the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which forbids the imposition of excessive fines. The enemy ceased firing, and that stern, threatening, inaccessible, and intangible line which separates two hostile armies was all the more clearly felt. clearly definition: 1. in a way that is easy to see, hear, read, or understand 2. used to show that you think something…. This kind of irregularity may clearly be present in a ' It must not be supposed that errors of this order of magnitude are unobjectionable in all cases. That Danby, in spite of these compromising transactions, remained in intention faithful to the national interests, appears clearly from the hostility with which he was still regarded by France. In vowel-sounds Syriac is clearly more primitive than Hebrew (as pointed by the Massoretes), less so than Arabic. Probably he believed in the existence of other gods, though he does not express himself clearly on this point; in any case he held that the worship of other deities was destructive to Israel. Get rid of the prepositions and find a strong active verb to make the sentence direct: Original: In this passage is an example of the use of the rule of justice in argumentation. I thought I needed to get away for a while so I could think clearly. Wolsey clearly foresaw his own fall, the consequent attack on the church and the triumph of the secular party. Prince Vasili mimicked the sobbing of Sergey Kuzmich and at the same time his eyes glanced toward his daughter, and while he laughed the expression on his face clearly said: "Yes... it's getting on, it will all be settled today.". Five years have passed since then, and already I, with my petty understanding, begin to see clearly why she had to die, and in what way that death was but an expression of the infinite goodness of the Creator, whose every action, though generally incomprehensible to us, is but a manifestation of His infinite love for His creatures. So as you edit and reread your work, try to take words out to make your writing clearer. Once the guy saw me clearly by the door, he knew my face and all hell broke loose. "I say, Rostov," said Dolokhov clearly, smiling and looking Nicholas straight in the eyes, "you know the saying, 'Lucky in love, unlucky at cards.'. It is for this reason that concordats always present a clearly marked character of mutual concession, each of the two powers renouncing certain of its claims in the interests of peace. Arjan saw clearly that it was impossible to preserve his sect without force of arms, and one of his last injunctions to his son Har Govind was to sit fully armed on his throne and maintain an army to the best of his ability. 4. The "Porisms" quoted are interesting propositions in the theory of numbers, one of which was clearly that the dif f erence between two cubes can be resolved into of two cubes. He inclined towards the speaker to hear more clearly. Even now he felt clearly that the gory trace of that recollection would not pass with time, but that the terrible memory would, on the contrary, dwell in his heart ever more cruelly and painfully to the end of his life. Phrases like “there are,” “in order to,” “the fact that,” “the reason why is that,” “there is no doubt that,” say in many words what could be said in fewer. "2 This view, widely held among modern scholars, has strong support in the fact that the words used for ordination in the first three centuries (xaporov€ v, xaOcvTav€CV, «Afpova9at, constituere, ordinare) also expressed appointment to civil office. Huygens was also in 1656 the first effective observer of the Orion nebula; he delineated the bright region still known by his name, and detected the multiple character of its nuclear star. Open the windows so that I can see more clearly. They can make your body retain fluid, which enlarges your vocal cords and could make you hoarse. Clearly it was the intention of the government, consistently with the whole trend of its policy, to cover its concession to the Protestant party dominant in the Commons by retaining some of the outward forms of the old services until such time as it should be expedient to "take other order.". Several independent chisellings may be necessary before the lines of the (liaper emerge clearly, but throughout the whole operation no measurement of any kind is taken, the artist being guided entirely by his hand and eye. But clearly, I am meant to be here, now, to fulfill this destiny. External research constantly justifies the cautious attitude which has its logical basis in the internal conflicting character of the written traditions or in their divergence from ascertained facts; at the same time it has clearly shown that the internal study of the Old Testament has its limits. Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall. 1. But every genuine attempt to overcome its difficulties brings us into closer touch with the period we are examining; and though we may not be able to throw our conclusions into the form of large generalizations, we shall get to know something of the operation of the forces which determined the economic future of England; understand more clearly than our forefathers did, for we have more information than they could command, and a fuller appreciation of the issues, the broad features of English development, and be in a position to judge fairly well of the measures they adopted in their time. He is clearly against the idea. Let's talk a moment about patriotism and nationalism, words frequently used but seldom clearly defined. It does not mean: • Using long words • Writing complicated sentences with lots of semi-colons and colons A good piece of advice is to ‘write to express, not to impress’. I can tell you quite clearly, because I constructed nearly all our entrenchments. Isomorphism is most clearly discerned between elements of analogous chemical properties; and from the wide generality of such observations attempts have been made to form a classification of elements based on isomorphous replacements. Why was she immune to the effect he clearly had on every other woman he ran across? Did you make any real progress? What type of sentence is this my aunt speaks three languages fluently she is a translator at the UN? Probably nowhere can the actual historical progress from the primitive use of animal sacrifices to the later refinement of burning incense be more clearly traced than in the pages of the Old Testament, where no mention of the latter rite occurs before the period of the Mosaic legislation; but in the monuments of ancient Egypt the authentic traces of the use of incense that still exist carry us back to a much earlier date. After two to four days these processes are more clearly emphasized. Make sentence examples. 2 - The oracles of Malachi clearly reveal the continued influence of the book of Deuteronomy in his day. Both were convinced that the old order must change; neither saw clearly what the new order should be to which it was to give place. See the difference in both sentences. In viewing William's character as a whole one is struck by its entire absence of ostentation, a circumstance which reveals his mind and policy more clearly than would otherwise be the case. clearly (adv): in a way that is easy to see, hear, read, or understandUse 'clearly' in a sentence Speak slowly and clearly. (Want what?). The Romans are clearly indicated in the law as subjects, but as not yet forming part of the army, which consists solely of the antrustions, i.e. The character of Defoe, both mental and moral, is very clearly indicated in his works. It is no longer possible to distinguish clearly the Greek and Roman elements in this curious cult, though it is itself quite intelligible as that of an Earth-goddess with mysteries attached. The theory upon which the rite everywhere rests is clearly the belief, for which there is an abundance of concurrent testimony, that the liver was at one time regarded as the seat of vitality. To ask a question, issue a command or make an exclamation you would use a different type of sentence: interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. highly civilized centres of Buddhist art and industry in the now sand-strewn wastes of the Turkestan desert has been clearly demonstrated by the same great explorer and by Dr M. Of all the Asiatic ranges the Himalayan is, geologically, the best known; and the evidence which it affords shows clearly that the folds to which it owes its elevation were produced by an overthrust from the north. 770. This violates government ethics and this clearly violates California election law, This is clearly just the beginning of a pretty long process. This connecting link, C2, was regarded as essential, while the methyl, ethyl, &c. was but a sort of appendage; but Kolbe could not clearly conceive the manner of copulation. Clearly, this already happens today, in a primitive form. make. To stop mumbling and speak clearly, stand up straight, open your mouth a little wider, and try to enunciate the consonants and vowels as clearly as possible. Writing Clearly Choose the word that most clearly conveys your meaning English words generally have two types of meanings: a denotative meaning (the descriptive dictionary definition of a word) and a connotative meaning (the emotional impact of a word). Example sentence #3: Our mastermind group for beginning solo-entrepreneurs will help you fight the solitude related to a solo-business and provide a sounding board to make the right decisions faster, so you can stop dithering and make progress faster. Then again, if the room were clearly lit, she still wouldn't know what he was thinking. This above division of the sentence into Subject and Predicate is clearly according to meaning. The sun wouldn't be up for another hour, but the block walls of the dairy loomed clearly in the white landscape. Writing clearly Writing academically means writing in such a way that your information sounds credible and authoritative. The systems of guarantee above described are clearly faulty, since theoretically the railway company which ran no trains at all would, up to the limit of its guarantee, make the largest profits. There is a more sophisticated explanation of these two sentence parts. Example Sentences for "clearly related" The amount of electricity that passed, then, was clearly related to the chemical affinities of the substances in solution. It is then pruned, in order clearly to show the mode of branching, and is spread out as naturally as possible with the right hand. ‘A death sentence was commuted to life in prison, then cut to ten years.’ ‘He was ordered to complete a remaining eight month sentence for that offence before starting the latest jail term.’ ‘Soldiers who turn themselves in by February, 2004, earn lenient sentences.’ Clearly, you're not interested. The course of the road after the first six miles from Rome is not identical with that of any modern road, but can be clearly traced by remains of pavement and buildings along its course. "

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